“Liz told me I was being “Selfish” by not sharing my message, and how to use virtual assistants to grow their businesses virtually. Not only did she help me change my whole direction in life, but she showed me how to start a movement. I get tagged on Facebook DAILY, sometimes by people I don’t even know as “THE” resource on Virtual Assistants, and Outsourcing…. I’ve seen people call me the “Outsourcing Tycoon” and the “King of Outsourcing”, which is pretty funny to be honest, but I’m so glad I’m inspiring so many people to build sustainable businesses powered by a virtual team!


This amazing young woman has had as much dental work done as it would cost to pay for a College Degree after being born missing 14 teeth thanks to genetics. This weirdly cool fact coupled with her insane passion for social media and online marketing has led Karlyn to create the quintessential online program for Doctors in the Dental space. “Ultimate Crown”, Karlyn’s program, is so smart and systematic that it’s becoming the much needed lifesaver (and business saver) dentists, and the like, need to survive in today’s business.


So, this is a strange one. No, not Mike! But how Mike found me. Basically I exposed a scammer, Mike saw my video exposing him, he bought Kapow Course, then applied for Ultimate Kapow and 3 months later his life looks completely different. I love what Mike does… he LISTENS to me… and takes action on what I say so he’s able to have the biggest impact for his family, his clients, students and the charities he supports.


As an already successful business person, Tony was looking for a different ‘coach’ when he reached out to me. Specifically, he wanted a coach who’s walked the walk he wanted to walk in the online space so he could launch his wildly successful program “BE FULFILLED” to the world. His vision is to assist both men and women around the world in truly living fulfilled lives whilst doing the same living in Italy with his wife Amber.